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Excite, Inspire, Engage, Achieve

HeadTeacher's Welcome

As the Head Teacher I would like to welcome you to Pinchmill Primary School. It is clear from the moment you walk through the door that Pinchmill is a very special place, or as we like to say the home of our ‘Pinchmill Family’. We strongly believe in the importance of developing positive and respectful relationships within school, with our families and our wider community. We believe that all people should be equally valued and heard whether you be a child or an adult.

As you walk around our school, you will find happy, confident children who are engaged, excited and ready to learn, taking full advantage of all the varied opportunities that are available to them. Our carefully designed curriculum is purposeful, fun and inspiring; we provide unique learning opportunities, fostering the children’s interests, and challenging them to achieve their goals and become the best that they can be.

The children take responsibility for themselves, others and their environment and we encourage them to develop skills such a good communication, problem solving and resilience that will support them in later life.

Enjoy our website and I look forward to welcoming you to our school.

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